Possessionof use of disruptive/harmful devices, items, etc. (I.e. firecrackers, waterballoons & guns, snowballs, rocks, peashooters, etc).
Vandalism--willfullycausing damage to property belonging to staff, students, or other individualswhile at a school activity or on school property.
InSchool Suspension (5 school days).Dependingon severity, can be out of school suspension.Parentsmust meet with School administrators before returning to classrooms.
Referencebooks and magazines may be checked out or taken from the library if youhave permission from the librarian.
Theuse of an assigned account must be in support of educational research andwithin the objectives and goals of the Summersville R-II School District.Accountswill only be assigned to current staff and students of this district.Youmust realize that you are personally responsible for this provision atall times when using electronic information.Theuse of this information system is a privilege, not a right.Thefollowing rules apply to all Network/Internet accounts and are a part ofthe Summersville R-II Board Policy.
Theinspection findings and asbestos management plans have been on file ineach school administrative office since that time.
Appeals can be made regarding extenuating circumstances through theprincipal.
Priordisciplinary action may not be the sole basis for such removal.Removalof a pupil with a disability is subject to state and federal proceduralrights.Boards are required to makea good-ith effort to have the parent or other custodian present at thesuspension or expulsion hearings.
Eachperson who receives a network account will participate in a discussionabout ethics and the responsible use of the Network/Internet.Pleaseread this document carefully.Whensigned by you, it becomes legally binding.
Theamendment authorizes the juvenile officer to designate another law enforcementofficer to investigate these allegations in conjunction with school personnel.
--Currentlaw requires a minimum of a one-year suspension for a student bringinga weapon to school.This amendmentallows the suspension to be either one year or an expulsion and expandsthe definition of weapon.Civil warera weapons, when used for a civil war reenactment on school property,are exempted.
Fighting--Whenreasonable doubt exists with respect to the amount of involvement of anindividual, the administrative staff may, at his/her discretion, absolveany student from complicity in the fight.
Disruption/misconduct--class,halls, cafeteria, assemblies, school grounds, bus, school activities, etc.
The inspectorlocated, sampled, and rated the condition and hazard potential of all materialin our cilities suspected of containing asbestos.Theinspection and laboratory analysis records were turned over to a certifiedmanagement plan writer to develop an asbestos management plan.
It is a naturallyoccurring Mineral that is mined primarily in Canada, South Africa and theU.S.S.R. Asbestos properties made it and ideal building material for insulation,sound absorption, decorative plasters, fire proofing, and a variety ofmiscellaneous uses.There have beenover 3,000 different products made using asbestos materials, EPA beganaction to limit uses of asbestos products in 1973 and most uses of asbestosproducts as building materials were banned in 1978.
--Priorto registration a pupil, parent or legal guardian must establish proofof residency, or must have requested a waiver of the proof of residency.Aprocess is defined for requesting a waiver of proof of residency, includingauthorizing a hearing before the local board of education.Athleticability is prohibited as a basis for the issuance of the waiver.Submittinglse information relating to residency is defined as a Class A misdemeanor.Schooldistricts are authorized to file a civil action for recovery of educationalcosts based upon submitting lse information relating to a students residency.
Lengthof checkout period for all material will be paid for a period of two weeksunless otherwise specified.
--Districtadministrators are required to report acts of school violence to teachersand other school employees who have direct responsibility for the childseducation or interact with the student on a professional basis.Thissection defines acts of violence and violent behavior, including alist of felonies that are required to be reported.Anyportion of a childs IEP relating to demonstrated or potentially violentbehavior must be reported to any teacher or district employee who is directlyresponsible for the childs education or who interacts with the studentwithin the scope of their duties.
Lewdor Obscene literature, writing, objects, material, language or misuse ofon-linecomputer services.
Youwill be fined 5 cents per day for all overdue library materials.Youmust paexpulsion from adult school SUMMERSVILLE R-II HIGH SCHOOLy your fine when you return your books, or your library privilegewill be temporarily suspended.
TheState Board of Education is authorized to adopt rules approving such programs.Academiccredit may not be offered for participation in these programs.Beginningno later than the 1998-99 school year and thereafter, districts are authorizedto administer violence prevention programs for kindergarten through twelfthgrade.The Department of Elementaryand Secondary Education is authorized to fund programs relating to violenceprevention.
Anyperson having inquiries concerning Summersville R-II School Districtscompliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, or Section504 is directed to contact Mike McAdams, P.O. Box 198, Summersville, MO.TelephoneNo. 417-932-4045.Mike McAdams hasbeen designated by Summersville R-II School District to coordinate theinstitutions efforts to comply with the regulations implementing TitleVI, Title IX, and Section 504.Anyperson may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S.Department of Education, regarding the institutions compliance with theregulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504.
Inaccordance with that responsibility, each building administrator, or his/herdesignee, shall take appropriate actions to enforce the School Districtsual harassment policy, including but not limited to the following:
Anyschool district receiving that request shall respond within five (5) businessdays of receipt of that request.Therequest must include the disciplinary records required under this legislation.Transferof school records is prohibited to persons not employed by the school districtor employed by another school district, or to any governmental entity otherthan a school district, juvenile or mily court, unless written permissionis granted by the parent, guardian or student, if the student is eighteen(18) years of age or older.Violationof this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor and a civil action is authorizedbased upon a districts ilure to comply.TheState Board of Education is authorized to establish rules relating to theenforcement of this section.
In-schoolsuspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, orexpulsion,and possible documentation in students discipline record.
To receivethese benefits the teachers and students need to be aware of the followingrules and regulations that the library will operate under.
Suspensionor expulsion is stated not to relieve the State or the suspended studentsparent or guardian from responsibility to educate the student.Districtsare encouraged to provide in-school suspensions or other alternatives tosuspensions or expulsions.Districtsconstituting the domicile for a child for whom alternative education programsare provided shall pay the per pupil cost of that education.Schooldistricts may contract with other political subdivisions, public agencies,not-for-profit organizations or private agencies to provide alternativeeducation.
:.......................................................................................................................4 days after school detention.
Tryto understand and remember what you read.Scanthe entire lesson first to get an idea of the assignment then read thematerial one section at a time.Donot skip words or terms you do not know, look them up in a dictionary.Youwill probably have to read the lesson more than once.
:................................................................................................................................................5 days I.S.S.
Studentsmay be expelled from the library and their library privilege suspendedfor excessive noise or any behavior that disrupts the atmosphere.
Thisincludes a prohibition on ual harassment.TheOffice for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education defines ualharassment under Title IX as follows: Verbal or physical conduct of aual nature, imposed on the basis of , by an employee or agent o recipient that denies, limits, provides different, or conditions theprovisions of aid, benefits, services or treatment protected under TitleIX.
Principal/studentconference, in-school suspension, 1-180 days of out-of-school suspension,or expulsion, and possible documentation in students discipline record.
Ifpossible, the Coordinator will resolve the grievance.Ifthe parties cannot agree on a resolution, the Coordinator will resolvethe grievance.If the parties cannotagree on a resolution, the Coordinator will prepare a written report ofthe investigation which shall include the following:
--Section162.680.RSMo, contains the state prohibition on denial of educational servicesbased upon the childs disability.Thissection is amended to provide that if violent behavior of a child witha disability causes a substantial likelihood of injury, the school shallinitiate procedures to change the students educational placement.
regularoffice hours.Mr. McAdams is ourAsbestos Program Manager and all inquiries regarding the plan should bedirected to him.
Therewill be no more than 3 students from any class in the library at a timeunless supervised by a teacher.
Furthermore,the Board of Education strongly believes that no person in the School Districtshall, on the basis of , be excluded from participation in, be deniedthe benefits of , or be subjected to discrimination under any educationalprogram or activity.
:................................................................................................................................................3 days I.S.S.
Prepareeach lesson daily.Start to workon a new assignment as soon as possible.Keepyour class work up to date by working on it each day.
regardingual harassment of that student or another student by a student or adultin the educationalsetting must forwardto the building principal and the Title IX compliance officer within twenty-four(24)hours, or within a reasonableextension of time thereafter, for good cause shown.
Theasbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (referred to as AHERA),was enacted by congress.AHERA wasenacted to determine the extent of and develop solutions for any problemsschools may have with asbestos.
Teacherswishing to bring classes to the library must let the librarian know aheadof time and must be with their classes.
Thecounselor assists the pupils in adjusting to scholastic, social, and personaldemands of school life.
Studentsand staff are not permitted to load software on school equipment withoutthe knowledge of the District Technology Coordinator.
Ifthe offender is another student, disciplinary action will be taken in accordancewith Board established Policy 2610.Ifthe offender is not an employee of the District, the District will takeappropriate action within the scope of its authority to eliminate and redressthe harassment.
TheLevel 2 written grievance should be filed with the Title IX Coordinatorwithin fifteen (15) days of the event or incident, or from the date thegrievant could reasonably become aware of such occurrence.
Inthe summer of 1999 & 2000, new non-asbestos tile was placed over theasbestos tile in the elementary
Conference,Corporal Punishment (2 swats) or ASD (2 days).Seriousnessof offense may result in movement to 2nd or 3rd offense.
)day of absence from class by the student, the student, his or her parentsand/or guardian shall be notified that the student will be assigned tosummer school. With the notification, all credit for classes affectedby the attendance violation will be withheld until completion of a summerschool assignment. A student who is suspended from school will havethe number of days charged against the total days missed for the semester.
expulsion from adult school SUMMERSVILLE R-II HIGH SCHOOL,) time from a class, the studentand his parent or legal guardian, shall be notified by letter of the studentstotal absences as of the date of the mailing. After the fifth (5
In-schoolsuspension, 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, or expulsion, and possibledocumentation in students discipline record.
:........................................................................................................................2 days after school detention.2
Thesesites are still not acceptable to view and should be reported to the buildingadministrator.Any person found accessingthese sites is subject to disciplinary action.
A studentwho believes that he/she has been subjected to ual harassment is encouragedto first discuss it with the teacher, counselor, or building administratorinvolved with the objective of resolving the matter promptly and informally.Ifthe individuals teacher/supervisor is the person alleged to have engagedin ual harassment then the grievant should skip Level 1 and go directlyto Level 2.
In-schoolsuspension (1-5 school days).Notificationof law enforcement officials.Documentationin student discipline record.
--Districtsare required to compile and maintain records of any serious violationof district policy.Records willbe made available to district personnel with the need to know based upontheir assigned duties and shall also be sent to any district a studentsubsequently attends.
However,it is essential that the report be made to someone with the authority andobligation to act upon the concern.
Conference,corporal punishment (2 swats) or ASD (2 day).Injurywill result in movement to 2nd or 3rd offense penalties.
I book is damaged while you have it checked out, you will be expected topay either for the book or the amount it costs to repair the book.
School districts may require a parent,guardian, or other custodian to provide a statement indicating whethera student was previously expelled, violated board policy on weapons, alcoholor drugs, or willfully inflicted injury on another.Persons a lse statement would be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.Thestatement would be maintained as a part of the students record.
Becauseof the small number of books in our collection, you are asked not to checkout more than three books at a time.
Thecounselor encourages the choice and successful completion of high schoolprograms that are with the pupils abilities and that will lead to thewidest possible choice of post-high school opportunities.
Theprincipal must also report possession of a controlled substance or a weaponby people in violation of school policy.Ateacher must immediately report to the principal knowledge of an assaultor possession of a weapon or controlled substance.Thissection grants good-ith civil immunity for school employees providinginformation to law enforcement.Refusalby school officials relating to their reporting requirements under thissection and Section 160.261. RSMo, is defined as a misdemeanor punishableby a fine of up to $500 and impriexpulsion from adult schoolsonment in a county jail not to exceedone (1) year.
Students dress should be of a nature that is not disruptive to theeducational process of the school. Students are expected to wearclothing that is appropriate for attending classes. The advertisementof any alcoholic beverage, controlled substance, , etc., is prohibitedon caps, coats, shirts, or other articles of clothing. Blouses andshirts are to cover the midriff. Tank tops must have T-shirts wornunder them.
Possessionof weapons on school property--which includes, firearms, knives with 4inch or longer blades, switchblade, blackjack, etc.
I agreeto abide by this agreement.I understandthat violation of the provisions stated in the policy may constitute suspensionor revocation of network access and related privileges and will lead toschool disciplinary action.
The notificationmust include a description of the conduct and the dates when the conductoccurred, but shall not include the name of the victim.Thisreport shall be shared with teachers or other district employees with aneed to know based upon the scope of their assigned duties.Thesuperintendent is required to notify the appropriate juvenile or milycourt upon the suspension of any student within the jurisdiction of thecourt when the suspension is in excess of ten (10) days.
A new subsectionrequires a conference prior to re-admission of a student suspended formore than ten (10) days for an act of school violence, or where the pupilposes a threat or harm to themselves or others.Writtennotice of the conference shall go to the parent or guardian.Thesection specifically prohibits re-admission of a student convicted or indictedof specified criminal acts.An exceptionis provided for children with disabilities as identified under state eligibilitycriteria.A conference is also requiredif a student attempts to enroll in one district during a suspension orexpulsion from a second district.Thesecond school district may recognize the disciplinary action if it is determinedthat the behavior would be subject to suspension or expulsion in that district.
Discussionsshall be conducted in age appropriate manner and should assure studentsthey need not tolerate any form of ual harassment.
On receiptof the written appeal, the matter shall be placed on the agenda of theBoard of Education for consideration not later than their next regularlyscheduled meeting.A decision shallbe made and reported in writing to all parties within thirty (30) daysof that meeting.The decision ofthe Board of Education will be final.
However, the complainantsrefusal to sign a complaint does not relieve the District of the obligationto investigate the complaint.
Stickto the job once you start.Studyfor a certain amount of time, say one hour, then reward yourself by takinga short break.It is very importantthat you return and finish your studies after the break.
Everyone iswelcome to view these anytime during normal school hours (M-F, 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.).The Asbestos ProgramManager, Mike McAdams, is available to answer any questions you may haveabout asbestos in our buildings.