Consulting and Coaching for Change
Dr. Vermaelen has taught at the University of British Columbia, the Catholic University of Leuven, The London Business School, UCLA and the University of Chicago. He has published several articles on corporate finance and investments in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Finance, the Jourexecutive mba in university of chicagonal of Financial Economics and the Journal of Banking and Finance. He is co-editor of the Journal of Empirical Finance, associate editor of the Journal of Corporate Finance and the European Financial Review and advisory editor of Teaching and Case Abstracts. He is also a consultant to various corporations and government agencies and Programme Director of the Amsterdam Institute of Finance.
INSEAD_ executive mba in university of chicago,
Executive Education Programme Director, Global Investors Workshop
Finance for Executives
The Schroders Chaired Professor of International Finance and Asset Management
Global Investors Workshop
Executive Masters Degree in Clinical Approaches to Management
Management Acceleration Programme
Executive Education Programme Director, Corporate Financial Strategy in Global Markets
International Marketing Programme
Professor of Finance
Managing Global Virtual Teams
Managing Global Virtual Teams
Middle East Health Leadership Programme
Business Strategy for HR Leaders
Corporate Financial Strategy in Global Markets
The Challenge of Leadership
Strategic R&D Management
INSEAD Healthcare Compliance Implementation Leadership Programmes
Learning to Lead
Leading the Effective Sales Force
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy
Competitive Strategy
The Many Facets of Privately Negotiated Share Repurchases,Journal of Financial EconomicsFebruary 2005
Advanced Management Programme
Research Areas
Risk Management in Banking
Achieving Outstanding Performance
Management Skills for International Business
ECCE Academy
Strategic Management in Banking
AIMS: Advanced Industrial Marketing Strategy
Management in the Humanitarian Sector
Management Skills for International Business
Managing Partnerships and Strategic Alliances
Asian International Executive Programme
Theo Vermaelen is Professor of Finance at INSEAD where he teaches in MBA, PhD and Executive programmes. He is a graduate from the Department of Applied Economics at the Catholic University of Leuven (Commercial Engineer) and obtained an MBA and PhD in Finance from the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.
Building the Business: Strategies for Asia Pacific
Achieving Outstanding Performance
Business Strategy for HR Leaders
The Leadership Transition
Related Executive Education programmes
Strategic R&D Management
Negotiation Dynamics
Leading Successful Change
International Project Management
Transition to General Management
Leading for Results
TeachingCorporate Financial Policy (MBA); Applied Corporate Finance (MBA); Corporate Financial Strategy (EDP).
Powering Growth
Leading Successful Change
Corporate Finance; Share Repurchase; Death Spirals; IPOs; Call Option Enhanced Reverse Convertible (COERC).
Professor Theo Vermaelen is directing the following programmes:Corporate Financial Strategy in Global MarketsandGlobal Investors Workshop.
Manucturing in a Global Network
INSEAD Leadership PrINSEAD_ executive mba in university of chicagoogramme for Senior Indian Executives
Supply Chain Management