A couple months ago, I posted a catalog of charms rumored to be part of the second retirement from Pandora this year. Well, today weve got the official list of what is going to be leaving the collection, and its worst than I thought! The number of charms being culled is quite extensive, and even though I was expecting a long list Im still shocked at how many pieces are being discontinued.
Fans usually have about a month or two before stores send these pieces back to Pandora, but that will depend on the individual retailer.
Update stores are sending these back rather soon because of the way Pandora is crediting them back.
Im heartbroken over the silver animal beads that are being retired. Not only are they the more affordable charms from the brand, but theyre so cute too :(. The amount of clips and Muranos being cut is also devastating to me, as there arent that many of them to begin with. Im curious to see whats left of the glass collection after this round of retirement. A surprisingly number of dangles are on the list, including just three of the national landmarks and newer zodiac animals.
Most stores have been sending back the retired jewelry rather aggressively as they get credit towards future purchases, so if you want anything on this list for sure its better to get it sooner than later. Whats your must have from these beads?
Wow, some of those danges are irly new, no? Regarding the Muranos, I have a lot and also collect Trollbeads glass, but rarely do I see ladies with Muranos on their Pandora bracelets. I work at about 3-4 different schools a week, so I see a ir amount of teachers bracelets and they are almost always silver and pave, so I wonder if the Muranos just dont sell?
Thats an interesting observation! I love the Muranos for color on my bracelets, but youre right I dont see as many on peoples bracelets. Yes, a lot of newer dangles :/.
What do you think this is about? Why would they retire so many? Make room for more? Increase interest by them rare? Just wondering your thoughts
Theyve been coming out with so many new pieces every season, its not surprising that theyre also aggressively retiring charms (but it doesnt make me happy!). I think Pandora is very set on having about 600 beads so it make sense :/.
I would guess the stores need this to happen with the amount of money wrapped up in inventory . Most people are interested in the new designs.
Wow, this is a lot.
Im a n of glass, because I like having color on my bracelet. So maybe the red white and blue one for me. Also, Im going to Barcelona later this year, and was hoping to get the Sagrada Familia charm. Maybe I have to buy it early?
I like the glass too, but wouldnt mind seeing more complicated designs :). Yes, not sure if the La Sagrada Familia will be around by then :(.
WOW thats a lot. Think there will be another Rue la la sale later this year to pick some of these up?
It is a lot! I dont know, they didnt have many of the charms retired earlier in the year :/.
I know, what was up with that? I expected more, based on their previous sales. Well, I guess we will see what happens, in the future.
Right after I saw this, I raced to my local jewellery store! I was already planning on getting the Vintage Heart, so I picked that up for myself, and I also asked about the Doggie charm that Ive become particularly fond of. I made it in the nick of time, as they were already packaging up all of the retired charms to send them back! Thankfully, they had a few Doggies remaining, so I put one on hold for myself. 🙂
Wow! Good job :D. I have the doggie and he is adorable. Im so sad theyre retiring so many of the animal charms :(.
They are retiring all the good ones..
I want the pacifier but no baby yet.. wont be as memorable to i buy it now
I understand what you mean when the time comes, something else might really speak to you anyway. For my kids, the beads I get represent more who they are as peopleand I love having beads with their initials on each of my bracelets.
I cant WAIT for these to hit my Pandora outlet! 30% off! Theres definitely several I want, especially the sleigh and poinsetta for my Christmas bracelet.
Just curious I notice theyre retiring the kiwi bird. Didnt he just come out? Why the very early retirement for some of the newer charms?
Aww, lucky you! I wish they would open outlets all over the country :/. Yes, the kiwi just came out not that long ago, but I guess he doesnt sell :(.
Hi there They dont do online, but you may be able to make a phone order I dont know. The sales ladies say some people drive as r as Florida once or twice a year! The newest retired charms/jewelry is 30% off and the ones that have been retired more than one season are 50% off. Its just called the Pandora outlet and its at Potomac Mills Outlet Mall in Woodbridge, VA. I believe theres one more US outlet as well, also on the east coast somewhere.
I hope to make a trip there soon Im about 1.5 hours south. The outlet is about 40 minutes south of Washington DC. Big tourist destination.
Thanx Laura, for the info, I live in Puerto Rico, so I will try to look for them on fb , maybe they do orders by phone, hope so:) have a Wonderful Day!!! :
Hi there! Ive purchased over the phone from the Hilton Head, SC outlet, as well as the Rehoboth Beach, DE outlet. They ship as many charms as you want for $15 UPS.
Hi Tuere, Do you have the phone for these outlets? thanks so much! Margie
El Mircoles, 9 de julio, 2014 1:56 P.M., Disqus escribi:
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WOW, thats a lot. But I suppose the autumn and winter collection are quite large although the number of Muranos are few as are the two tones. Whatever about the glass not selling (I have always said they not worth 40 euro) I happily pay good money for the two tones. And they are retiring the nice ones too.
They are enormous, but barely any glass or two-tones, youre right! The glass is pretty expensive I was NOT happy when they made the cores slimmer but kept the prices the same. :/
Im unmiliar with Pandora outlet stores-I live in OK-Are there any in my area or can I order online? TY
We only have one in Canada that just opened up. I think there are six in America. You could try to goggle the locations. I think they will ship if you call and order over the phone. Hope that helps.
There are some really great deals at the Pandora outlet. It looks like any Pandora branded store, but in an outlet center.
Are the charms good quality at an outlet store? I would like to know just in case since I have never been in one before. (apparently there isnt one in NYC, which I think is pretty stupid. But then again, isnt the city supposed to be more expensive?)
Theres a pandora store in soho close to NYC but no outlets and the outlets charms are the ones the stores once had they just had to send back when they retired
The outlets sell exactly the same charms as the regular stores, they just also have a section of discounted retired charms.
gets in car and drives an hour from toronto haha will have to stop by for some back to school shopping along the way to buflo. i would have never known about this if it wasnt for all the commenters here 😀
Wow, as of this upcoming retirement, I will only have one charm on my bracelet that isnt retired.
And I recommend that anyone looking for a particular charm to go sooner rather than later. I think some stores started sending charms back as soon as the rumours were announced. When I went to my local store to get the happy little bird charm in June, I was told it retired a while ago.
Wow, how long have you been collecting? Yes, not all stores are as informed as they should be :/. You got your bird though, right? 🙂
Ive been collecting for over 3 years now. It just seems that once I get a charm, they end up retiring it soon after. And no, I didnt get the bird, they told me to go to the outlet store several hours away, but just wasnt worth my time or the cost of gas for one little charm. So I got the solid silver rolled feather charm instead, and I actually like it more than the bird, so Im happy.
What happens at the stores is that the item shows up as No Longer Available in the items description in the system. Once that shows, they dont send any more because they are to be retired. The store must have run out of them awhile ago, and they were never sent more. The stores do no start sending items back early, but only when they are told to do so.
Once a store runs out of the charm that is no longer available, it will not be re-stocked.
Wowzers, thats a big list this time! Cant wait for some of these to hit Rue so I can snag them up @ half price! hehehe 🙂
I heard yesterday that the Pandora lawyers are trying to shut Rue down. They discount way better than the pandora outlet stores
And Pandora UK and Pandora Australia have been discounting retired items at 50% for the last couple of years we should at least get something here!
I bought the diamond anniversary bead on Rue la la for 240 and at the outlet store it is 450.00. The manager at the outlet said Pandora does not supply Rue la la. Hope they continue selling on Rue La La for all our sakes 🙂
Individual stores send back their retired charms to Pandora for credit towards future purchases. Otherwise, if the stores sell their stock to Rue La La at cost (which is 50% of RRP), how does Rue make any money?
What about stores that break off their relationship with Pandora or get let go by Pandora. We have a store nearby that was let go by Pandora and has a lot of stock that they are stuck with?
If the stores are no longer in a contractual relationship with Pandora they can discount their stock and sell it in their own store, they dont need to go to a third party like Rue La La.
Good question Leann. I was told this week by a Pandora store Manager that Rue La La is not fed by Pandora head office and they are trying to shut it down. Lots of conflicting stories obviously. Who knows?
I think that manager is misinformed. To my understanding, Rue La La take the orders and then send them onto Pandora, then Pandora sends them the stock which they ship out. So thats why it takes 3-4 weeks to get orders. Ive talked to Pandora HQ folks before and theyve said theyre an authorized retailer.
That doesnt make any sense, since theyre being supplied by Pandora. Its not like theyre doing anything under the table.
That list is ridiculous!! Oh my. I hope they start putting put some out something good to replace all of these instead of all these hokie pavs
I like the original paves (pave lights, barrel pave charms and few dangle pave charms) but the rest is getting to be too much!
Ack! My must have is the Dragon dangle. My boy is a Dragon Baby and I was going to eventually get the Dragon dangle and the Tiger dangle (daughter). Was thinking of waiting till my bday to get it. Ick. Hate having to rush to get charms. I love the clips too, but my pocketbook would not be happy with me, hence the wanting to collect slowly. 🙁
Well I went to the shop after knowing the pink lime and purple oval lights and trinity spacers were retiring this year and bought them all but I have no intention of using them! Im in the UK so want to sell on. Dont know where to sell though. Bit of a panic buy!
I dont want them to get rid of the two tone clover!!! I dont have it yet!!! Nooooooooo!!! Why are they doing this to me!!!
No, no, no, this is crazy!!! There are quite a few I want, and cant afford to get them all now. Floral vintage grey enamel spacer, Lifes Rhythm black enamel, Forever Bloom black spinal dangle, Encore black cz clip, black Sphere clips (I wanted 3 of these for the grey triple leather bracelet), Feather, light blue Vines, Clock, black Oval Lights, and finally the red smooth triple leather bracelet at least this one I can get in this months bracelet promo event. I am in Canada and there are NO Pandora outlets here. I am soooooo disappointed! 🙁
Hmmm, I may just have to plan a trip out east, soon, very, very soon! (Im in Calgary). Thanks for letting me know Carol.
Ohhhh my. If I waited to buy my beads only three months later (assuming I could catch them on rue la la), my bracelet would have been about half the cost it is now. Im amazed by all of these retirements The rockstar clips? Saturn? Come on! So many beauties going away. I will have only 3 non-retired charms on my bracelet after this and I just started collecting. 🙁
Wow! That is surprising that all the charms youve got are already retired :(. I hope theyll show up on Rue!
Hi, we dont have any Pandora outlets in Nova Scotia. I am heading to New Hampshire soon for vacation. Does anyone know if there is a Pandora outlet around the area of Merrimack NH? Are the pricing reduced much in the outlet stores? Thanks. 🙂
I would google the locations. The outlet prices are reduced by 30-50 percent..only on retired items. The new one that opened in Niagara Falls Canada has not had a new shipment of muranos in four weeks! It is hit and miss. They are not very organized as a company.
What are they thinking?? 3/4 of my wish list is there 🙁
Rockstar clips, amethyst dangles, oval lights, TT clover, rose, and is that the white garden odyssey dangle?? Noooo
Wow. This is a HUGE retirement. I wonder whats going on and in what direction Pandora is headed. Hopefully not more pave. 🙁
I want several of those but I cant swing a purchase that large right now. (Partly because I just took advantage of the Trollbeads sale, so completely my ult, lol.) I might just see if I can grab the dragon dangle and the purple dogwood clip and hope the rest show up later on Rue. Pandora is retiring my wishlist ster than I can buy them, and to be entirely honest, theyre not coming out with much to replace them. I really liked the muranos, and as they retire them they seem to be focusing primarily on a scinating bead in every shade but not much else in glass. Is that really what people want? Maybe my tastes just arent in line with the market, I dont know. I have been buying r more Trollbeads than Pandora this last year or so, though, and Im very interested in Elfbeads and am hoping that they become easier to purchase online soon.
Yes, it seems like the Muranos much not sell well! :/ I hope theyll show up on Rue! Honestly though, Trollbeads has glass thats way better than Pandoras anyway, so I dont blame you focusing on them ;).
I think the issue with Muranos isnt that people dont buy them, but I suspect people may buy many more non-Pandora Muranos. You can get Murano glass so many places, and most of it isnt $35-40 a bead.
The muranos tend to be hit and miss when customers come into the store I work at. Its sort of a love them or hate them type deal, and many people avoid buying them as gifts as theyre not sure whether or not the person theyre giving it to would like it. Although I was also quite surprised by the number of muranos going, since the price point is more affordable when compared to pave charms.
I really want the clutch bag and pink oval lights. are they going to be selling these at discounted prices?
It depends on the retailer. You can ask them to hold them for you and leave a deposit until you can pay them off.
Charley if you are in the UK I have two brand new oval lights you can buy? I bought two pink one lime and one purple when I heard of this retirement but have no intention of using them. Impulse buy Im a little old for the sparkles! If you would be interested they will be 30 each plus postage. Thank you dear.
a lot of Pandora ns are waiting til the last minute to try to get charms or rings that they really wanted and now its a little difficult to find these items. A lot of nice charms are going away it makes me a little sad
Thats a huge list. And what about rings and earrings??? They arent going to discontinued any?
They areI just didnt have time to get all the pictures together. Ill post the list soon!
Love the wooden beads, Leann! I can think of so many ways to use those. On another note: did you participate in Ohms 50% off retired sale? Theres quite a few retailers taking part online (you probably already know that it was originally announced to only span July 4th 6th, but Ohm extended through today Thursday). I got some great charms Ive been eyeing for some time now; most are going on the bracelet Im currently working on, but a few I stocked up on that I know Ill use on some future project. Great deals! I got mine from Classic Beadstheyre great for supply (if you want a specific bead/charm from a brand that they carry but dont see it listed on the site, theyll get it for you if its available from the manucturers home site), as well as helpful assistance &. My wallet is really suffering because of all of the retirements, and because I have felt for a while that within a year or two there wont be any charms with natural stones, so I have been spending a lot of time at my concept store and any other authorized dealer I come across buying natural stone charms. As r as outlet stores go, I am very suspicious of outlet stores, because most of my experience with them is that they sell specially made cheap versions of regular store products, ctory seconds, shopworn items, and ugly design missteps. I can see Pandora lling into that same trap.
I have been noticing that too. Sadly, you are very right, and Leann made a good point about the Muranos having smaller cores and the same price when there is no 3D effect.
There are very small amount of outlets and the beads are the ones that are retired and shipped back to pandora that are being sold at these stores
Hi, but Pandora, like any corporation exists to make money for their shareholders (and I should have said maximizing profit above). A lot of companies selling luxury items find that outlets become a very profitable business line, because they can sell to a broader customer base, so they keep opening outlet stores to the point that they cant be fed by last seasons merchandise from full-price stores, or they find their customers developing a resistance to paying full price for their regular items, so then they start merchandise especially for those lower price point stores. If Pandora only has a few outlet stores, compared to over 10,000 stores selling regular priced merchandise then maybe those outlets can be stocked only with discounted retired jewellery. However, if Pandora starts opening stores at every Premium Outlet Mall, for example, then that becomes the trap, and they risk cheapening their brand. It is a tricky issue.Everyone likes a bargain, but is it better to just have an annual sale, then send everything left to the smelter, rather than outlet stores?
I re-read my post, and I there was too much if this happens, then that. Outlet stores are a deliberate decision. Pandora already has charms that are only sold at shop-in-shops, other jewellers etc, so how much of a stretch is it that they sell different charms at outlet stores? I see every thing they do as testing market resistance to sales strategies, like any other company.
I do wish they arent retiring the saturn flower. Looked like a but pretty charm to wear.
Theres a lot of new and exciting charms coming out! There are even lots to branch out to like our Essence bracelets. Theres lots of two tones and Lots of muranos that are in the works! The List is a bit disappointing and these pieces will only last until next week here in las vegas but whats coming up this year is amazing and worth collecting especially the black friday 2014 charm that is absolutely stunning. 🙂
The Black Friday charm! I cannot wait until Leann gets a photo of it. What does it look like? I am indeed very curious as it may be my first charm that is limited edition since I am just a beginner and started collecting in December 2013 without having much time to get limited edition items. But hey, at least I have been seeing Leanns posts long enough to take advantage of most of the promos this year.
It kind of looks like the new ornament charm coming out with the winter collection. I wont be posting pictures, even if I get them, until close to the release date. They were NOT happy last year and I dont want any more angry attorney emails from Pandora! Lol.
Oh well, at least you were trying to do a good thing for Pandora Addicts such as yourself, not your ult that Pandora wasnt pleased with it! But you let people out there know what to expect, and thats all that matters ;D Although I wish they made a charm that actually relates to Black Friday, like the Pandora shopping bag charm, only customized with the year and perhaps a gold bow. Sigh letting imagination take over again.
I didnt realise that they have also retired the black zebra murano. Went and bought this charm and the python murano today, they were both the lasts ones left. 🙂
Theyve retired most of the animal prints :(. I like them, theyre fun but hard to coordinate with.
Actually thats the retired jewelry from earlier this year. And they just copied and pasted from what I had posted here:
Full-time professional and beadaholic. Passionately collecting and writing about Pandora, Trollbeads, redbalifrog, Ohm Beads, and more since 2011. She lives in Seattle, with her husband, fur baby Beau, and son Alex. Read more about Leann.
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